
How to Spot Fake News Articles and What to Do About Them

The sweeping phenomenon of “fake news,” fake news articles, and the reputational damage it can cause has given rise to a new breed of crisis PR specialists skilled in recognizing fake news and addressing the problem before too much damage occurs.

The fake news crisis PR professionals at Red Banyan have the experience and know-how to identify fake news and address it fast so damage does not get shared so many times readers begin to believe the falsehoods are true.  

Fake news is a catch-all term for news articles that are intentionally misleading and verifiably false. Fake news articles are designed to manipulate readers’ perceptions of real facts, events and statements. Fake news is presented as factual even though the claims are demonstrably false or includes events that verifiably did not take place.

In some instances, factual news is labeled “fake news” by the subject of the news if the claims made in the news reports are unfavorable. Red Banyan’s team of seasoned crisis communications and fake news experts know how to identify fake news fast and know what actions are needed to tamp down any adverse effects from this kind of publicity.

Fake news articles that spread falsehoods can cause lasting long-term damage which is why it is important to get professional help quickly. Speed is one of the best ways to minimize the damaging effects of these kind of negative campaigns. Red Banyan’s team of strategic communication professionals can set up alerts so they know every time your name is mentioned online and can address any unfavorable characterizations.

Know where to turn and what to do when are discover you are the subject of fake news articles is half the battle. Choosing a competent, experienced PR company that understands fake news and knows how to identify it and handle the fallout is the other half.

What to Do about Fake News on Facebook

Red Banyan’s team of fake news experts know how to spot fake news and address it fast. It is important to realize that fake news on Facebook often masquerades as legitimate news. Users also post hoaxes that mimic real news. The falsehoods are shared over and over by people who do not bother to check their veracity, and users sadly begin to believe what they are reading, no matter how outlandish. 

Reporting fake news on Facebook is an important part of the process. Red Banyan’s team of PR pros will make sure Facebook takes proper action against verified fake news, so the spread of deliberate falsehoods is kept in as much check as possible.

Stories and opinions can gain exposure with unprecedented speed, giving individuals around the globe continuous access to a near-real-time conversation about both important and trivial matters. That is why it is essential that disinformation is identified fast and addressed so that the damage from fake news is limited. Disinformation refers to the intentional spread of inaccurate information with the intent to deceive.

Spotting fake news and combating it with crisis communications experts like those at Red Banyan will always yield the best results. Fake news articles can cause lasting damage, so it is essential that they are identified quickly and removed from view.

Red Banyan’s social media experts will audit your social media channels and set up alerts, so our team members know when your company’s name has been mentioned. Knowing when something is posted is essential to curtailing the spread of fake news. Red Banyan’s crisis PR professionals will monitor your social media channels and keep tabs on what is being posted about your brand to safeguard your reputation. Our PR experts know how to fact-check information and create new content that will be fair and provide balance.

What is Prank News and How to Identify It?

Prank web sites which allow users to generate their own fake news stories are another worrisome source of fake news. Red Banyan’s team of social media experts and crisis communications strategists know what to look for and how to address these troublesome dynamics.

The problem with prank news sites is that they are frequently mistaken for real news, even though the web pages may include written disclaimers that label the articles as fake news. Often readers share articles without reading them carefully, perpetuating the online spread of fake news. These fake news sites are presented in an enticing manner that encourages users to share information that is blatantly untrue or deceiving.

The crisis PR and fake news experts at Red Banyan have the experience and media savvy to quickly identify prank news that affects your brand and make sure it does not continue to spread. Prank news about products or services can cause lasting damage that can be extremely difficult to overcome. Red Banyan’s team of media savvy professionals know what to look for and how to fight back. 

Links for prank news articles often lead to websites that announce the item is a prank. Unfortunately, many users who surf the web share news items without ever clicking the link, furthering the spread of disinformation. Red Banyan’s PR professionals can teach your team what to look for and how to deal with this dynamic so you can address this spread of falsehoods quickly and effectively. Fake news articles come in all shapes and sizes, so companies have to be vigilant about what is being said about their goods or services online. 

Identifying the source of the “news” is another great way to determine if a post is real or fake. Red Banyan’s social media professionals have years of experience analyzing social media posts and auditing clients’ social media channels to make sure they are promoting the right narrative.

Reliable News Sources vs. Fake News Sources

Red Banyan’s experienced team of seasoned crisis communications and public relations experts can quickly differentiate between reliable and unreliable news sources, so you know what you are dealing with immediately. Our team’s expertise in fake news gives team members the ability to track falsehoods down to their source and address them at the most granular level.

Reliable news sites versus fake news sites follow rigorous journalistic standards and are rooted in fact-based reporting. Fake news tends to be more opinion-based, is biased and fails to present balanced perspectives on the topics they report upon. Knowing the difference is key to a company or individual’s reputational integrity. The professionals at Red Banyan have the knowledge and experience to put you on the right track and help ensure your online reputation is never tarnished.

Many fake news posts rely on emotional appeals to generate interest and manipulate readers. Some posts used false information, half-truths, or skewed figures to support a particular point of view. Others may use fabricated testimonials to make something appear legitimate or true. Red Banyan’s social media experts have the skills and experience to cut through the noise and nail down the truth.

Clickbait is another popular technique used in fake news posts to get users to read and share so the lie is perpetuated. Clickbait engages readers by stretching out content over many pages with sketchy details to keep readers engaged and looking for more. It is a way to generate ad revenue that also promotes the spread of fake news.

Fake news spreads fast because readers share copy that appears to be enticing without stopping to verify truthfulness, usefulness or the source from which it came. Every time a fake news post is shared, the likelihood that readers will believe the content increases.

Red Banyan’s team of crisis PR and fake news experts can help you make sure your goods or services do not fall victim to fake news. Our team members have the experience and knowledge to identify fake news, track it down and address it at the source. Contact Red Banyan for advice on how to combat fake news articles.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fake News:

  1. What is fake news or prank news?

Fake news means “news articles that are intentionally and verifiably false” designed to manipulate people’s perceptions of real facts, events, and statements. Fake news mimics real news in form and presentation but lacks in accuracy, credibility and facts.

2. Why is it important to know the difference between fake news and real news?

Fake news is a real problem and represents information that is completely fabricated and comes from a sketchy source. Real news is fact-based, rooted in journalistic practices and can be fact-checked for accuracy.

What is an example of fake news?

3. “Pizzagate” was a fake news article which connected a pizzeria with a child pornography ring allegedly run by Hillary Clinton and John Podesta. On Sunday, December 3, 2016, an armed shooter entered the pizzeria and fired a shot before being accosted by the police. This never happened and it is most definitely an example of a fake news.

Red Banyan’s team of fake news experts will help your organization identify prank news and make sure your online reputation is not under attack. Contact Red Banyan for help with fake news.