
Why Using a Media Spokesperson is Smart

When a company or an organization has an important announcement to make, it needs to share that information in the most effective way.

But all too often the company CEO or another employee is not the best person for the job. Selecting a company spokesperson to address the media requires a certain amount of savvy and familiarity with reporters, an ability to think quickly on your feet and a high level of comfort with public speaking.

If that’s not you, don’t sweat it. Serving as a corporate media spokesperson isn’t for everyone. Many companies choose someone they can train specifically to answer media questions and be the forward-facing voice of the company. 

It is a system that works well for a number of reasons: companies can keep tabs on what information is being released and can more easily shape the narrative by controlling who speaks to reporters. Having one spokesperson also reduces the margin for error as opposed to when multiple people share different versions of the same story which could lead to different interpretations.

A Media Spokesperson is a Public Liaison

Here are a few ways a media spokesperson can provide continuity:

  • Takes the brand from “it” to a “we”
  • Builds credibility and authority 
  • Remains calm under pressure
  • Conveys messages clearly and concisely
  • Cements a brand’s image
  • Keeps headline messages consistent
  • Maintains quality control
  • Conveys authority
  • Connects the audience to the brand

How do you select the right person to talk to the media? All these factors can contribute to the success or failure of the individual you select as spokesperson. 

When choosing a company spokesperson, there are a few things to consider. Is the person a brand advocate who is passionate about the company and its mission? Do they know the company’s core messaging inside and out? Can this person think quickly and react with authority? Have they had on-camera media training and are they calm under pressure?

Media Training Helps with Preparation

A spokesperson’s words, photo or sound bites may well become the face of the brand, so it is important to speak thoughtfully and strategically at all times.

Red Banyan offers extensive media training that includes interview preparation, live on-camera training, handling unexpected questions and shaping a narrative. Professional spokesperson coaches also provide tips on what to wear and how to sit.

Do you know your interviewer? Are you familiar with the news outlet? Do you know what their angle is? Did you know that television interviews are usually shorter, faster moving and require less detail than interviews for newspapers or magazines?

Do your homework before agreeing to do an interview so you are ready before the questions start to fly.

Red Banyan’s experienced media spokesperson coaches will make sure you are prepared for success. Contact Red Banyan crisis PR to find out more about media relations and spokesperson training, public relations and crisis communications.
