
Red Banyan’s Evan Nierman Shares Opinion on Navy Secretary’s Inflammatory Remarks

In his latest op-ed in The Hill, Red Banyan CEO Evan Nierman offers a crisis communicator’s perspective on Acting Navy Secretary Thomas B. Modly’s recent remarks that prompted swift calls for his resignation.

Modly addressed the crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt whose captain, Brett E. Crozier, was removed from his command after an email he had sent asking for help for his COVID-19-stricken crew was leaked to the press.

“Knowing your audience and speaking to them in terms that are likely to resonate with them is something most speakers at least attempt to do,” Evan writes. “Modly didn’t bother. He mocked the crew’s popular leader, who has tested positive for COVID-19, by sarcastically calling him “a martyr C.O. who wasn’t getting the help he needed.”

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