
Warby-Parker Brilliantly Uses Social Media for Branding Success

Warby-Parker, an American eyewear company, recently made headlines and got tons of earned media coverage by simply being smart and creative on social media.

Montana republican candidate for the House of Representatives Greg Gianforte allegedly body slammed Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs at an event last week when Jacobs questioned a recent health care replacement bill.

The encounter left Jacobs with broken eye-glasses. And when the news reached social media managers at Warby-Parker, the brand leaped into action and offered Jacobs a free pair of glasses to replace his broken ones.

By being attuned to the news of the hour and seizing the suddenly arisen opportunity, Warby-Parker was able to insert its brand into one of the biggest news stories of the week.

Grabbing people’s attention and staying relevant in today’s media-saturated environment, has become increasingly more difficult for even the largest brands. However, as Warby-Parker demonstrated this week, when used strategically and at the right time, a single Tweet may be more effective than a large public relations campaign worth tenths of thousands of dollars.

Well done Warby-Parker, well done.