
Red Banyan CEO on the I AM CEO Podcast

Red Banyan CEO Evan Nierman was recently a featured guest on the I AM CEO podcast. Evan shared his expertise and offered actionable tips on how to utilize strategic communications in the workplace.

He shared his experience with host Gresham Harkless Jr. on his journey towards founding Red Banyan, a firm focused on helping organizations and businesses craft strategic messaging and communications to control their narrative and hone their brand.

“Organizations that are able to consistently deliver a message that breaks through the noise and produces the desired effect are effective communicators and they see that success reflected in their brand promise, brand loyalty, sales, revenue, retention of their customers and also retention of staff,” said Nierman. “If you’re not driving the message, not pressing the truth, and not advocating your message and getting your perspective out there … you’re leaving it to other people to define you.”

Click here to listen to the podcast interview to learn more about Evan’s approach to communication and strategy.