
For Adele, Timing is Everything

On the very day that Adele is set to air a special, hour-long concert on NBC, her 2016 North American tour dates were released.

This is a stroke of PR genius.

Adele, whose hit song, “Hello,” has topped the charts for weeks, has been noticeably absent from the music scene for the past few years. Tonight’s show, which she performed live in November, marked Adele’s first concert since 2011. Her tour, after five years of silence, is garnering a lot of attention

By releasing the tour dates the morning that her taped concert will be on TV, Adele has capitalized upon her own popularity. Almost every article reporting on her North American tour announcement makes mention of the NBC special. As her fans flock to find out when she will be in their area, they will also be reminded of her upcoming TV appearance. And as the excitement builds to see her live, this TV performance will be the recipient of that fervor.

In a world where topics are trending one minute and old news the next, timing is crucial. A huge part of public relations is knowing when it is possible to ride the wave of public interest, and creating the momentum yourself is even better. Kudos to Adele’s PR team for getting it right.