
Fast Company Features Red Banyan CEO

Red Banyan CEO Evan Nierman was featured as an expert in a recent piece in Fast Company. In an article titled “Business growing fast? Avoid these 10 common scaling mistakes,” Evan notes that lack of focus is a common downfall experienced by many young entrepreneurs.

Failing to rein in your desire to pursue every new opportunity can dilute your efforts to succeed, Evan points out in the article aimed at young entrepreneurs.

“One of the biggest challenges as an entrepreneur is curbing your natural inclination to chase every exciting opportunity. In short order, you can find yourself dividing your focus among multiple priorities,” Evan says in the article. “Being disciplined about focusing on the highest use of your time is a surefire way to improve results and replace simple motion with forward movement and positive momentum.”

Evan is an expert is crisis communications, PR and media relations. His media savvy and decades of experience in crisis PR have made him a frequent go-to source for the media.

Read the entire Fast Company article here.