
6 Tips to Writing a Great Press Release

The emergence of social media and its influence on society has made the press release more valuable than ever. In the past, press releases were sent to news outlets to drum up publicity for various events and stories. If newspapers were interested, then press releases served as the foundation for a story. If the release was boring or had limited news value, then it usually landed in the trash.

No more.

Today, businesses don’t need newspapers or TV to share their stories with the public. They can post their own news on social media.  By sharing their events on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, companies can reach their target audiences without any outside help. Press releases make it easy.

Press releases may seem old-fashioned, but they are incredibly useful when it comes to providing specifics about an event. Businesses can distribute press releases announcing new products or services to reporters, media outlets and social media platforms, and they get republished by sites and crawled by search engines. And even if a press release doesn’t generate media interest, it may generate public interest and drive traffic to your website.

What’s more, press release services make it easy to write press releases and distribute them digitally to news outlets around the world.

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Additionally, press releases are used to improve search engine optimization (SEO), which can help businesses connect online with customers and other interested parties. Companies can use press releases to speak directly to their customer base. Businesses can post them on their company websites so they are searchable. If you include links to your business in the press release, then you can add to its value.

Here are 6 tips to writing a great press release:

Provide relevant, newsworthy information 

Make sure to provide new and interesting information your target audience will care about. When the subject matter is boring or irrelevant, no one will read your release.

Include the 5 W’s and the H

Press releases must provide comprehensive information in a condensed form. Your press release should address these 6 basic questions: who, what, where, when, why and how. By answering all of them, your audience will have a clear snapshot of your news.

Use simple, clear language

Be straightforward and to the point. Do not include industry-related jargon or extraneous information. Just present the facts in an easy-to-understand format.

Keep it short

Make sure your headline is catchy and provide just enough information to stir interest. Offer up too much detail and your readers may lose interest.

Use multi-media to draw in readers and hold their interest 

Include photos or video with your press releases for added value. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Plus, there’s a better chance the media will pick up your press release if it is accompanied by a photo or video.

Include quotes, a call to action and contact information

Make it easy for the media by providing everything they need to do a story. If a reporter doesn’t have to chase someone down for a quote because you provided one, then it is even easier to do a story on your release. Providing contact information is essential for follow-up.

Press releases that are distributed digitally are more relevant than ever because their impact is immediate. Getting publicity no longer hinges on news pickups by reporters. Companies like Red Banyan, which handle strategic communications and content creation, can write press releases and  distribute them to your target audiences on your behalf.

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