
The Henry Jackson Society Featured on National Radio Program

Highly regarded U.K.-based think tank the Henry Jackson Society (HJS) was featured on the Armstrong Williams radio show earlier this week. Terrorism analyst Robin Simcox of HJS appeared on the program Monday evening to discuss the increasing threat of homegrown terrorism in America.

A new report just released by Simcox and the Henry Jackson Society reveals 20 years of little-known ties to terrorism and jihad in Massachusetts. A previous report from Simcox analyzed all 171 cases of al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda inspired terrorism which occurred in the United States from 1997-2011.

Monday’s half hour segment, which was broadcast over SiriusXM, explored the remarkable findings from the two reports. Williams and Simcox also discussed what form the next chapter of terrorism in this country might take based on the statistical data.

As noted in an earlier blog post, the Washington Times also recently published an op-ed on the topic authored by Simcox and former NSA and CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden.