
Red Banyan CEO: Unlikely Alliances Form as Iran Aggression Continues to Brew

In a recent SOFREP article, Red Banyan CEO Evan Nierman discusses the ongoing threat Iran poses in the Middle East and notes that unlikely allies are forming as a result. SOFREP, or Special Operations Forces Report, focuses on military analysis, defense technology and other issues.

Evan is a recognized crisis communications expert with numerous clients in the Middle East. In his article, Evan points out that a U.S.-brokered peace agreement in 2020 between Israel and the United Arab Emirates broke new ground, followed by further deals with Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco.

The common thread?  Iran is a shared enemy among those nations. If the U.S. is drawn into military conflict, it could be confronting a familiar enemy alongside nations that were once adversaries, Evan concludes.

Evan is a sought-after authority on crisis communications. His media savvy and extensive experience have made him a go-to source for the media.