
What is Cancel Culture? How to Handle Cancel Culture? PR Firm for Cancel Culture? Red Banyan CEO Tackles Those Questions in Forbes

Red Banyan Founder and CEO Evan Nierman was recently featured on with an article detailing the steps that organizations and individuals can take to be prepared to act rapidly and strategically if faced with crises related to cancel culture

In the article, Nierman shares his expertise on the ongoing wave of cancel culture permeating social media and resulting in people “cancelling” or withdrawing support for individuals or businesses that have done something they consider offensive. 

Crisis management expert and our crisis PR firm founder takes readers through a five-step roadmap for what to do when online mobs mobilize to destroy your brand and reputation. 

“For an organization under fire, it is incumbent upon you to defend your reputation and set the record straight by pressing the truth,” said Nierman. “Nobody has the information that you do, or the desire to make sure your company survives.”

Read the cancel culture article to learn how to address cancel culture, and to understand the benefits of working with a crisis public relations firm.