
MSNBC Spotlights Change the Mascot Campaign

MSNBC this weekend highlighted the latest developments in the campaign to change the name and mascot of Washington, D.C.’s NFL team.


In a three-minute segment, the national news network aired part of the latest radio ad from the Change the Mascot campaign and the Oneida Indian Nation urging an end to the Washington Redskins’ use of a racial epithet for their team name. The host also pointed to a recent Washington Post Editorial which stated: “We hope, too, that Mr. Snyder finally understands that the team’s name – no matter its storied tradition or importance to many fans – is a racial slur of Native Americans so offensive that it should no longer be tolerated.”

Sports Editor Dave Zirin of The Nation, who wrote his own piece on the controversy, declared on the show that the issue is at a “tipping point” because “Native American voices themselves are finally part of the discussion.”

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